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2024/09/02 13:19:42

State Film Register



Cinemas in Russia

Main article: Cinemas in Russia


2024: State Register Launch

On September 1, 2024, amendments to the law "On State Support for Cinematography of the Russian Federation" came into force in Russia. We are talking about issuing electronic rental certificates for films and making decisions about paintings through the State Register.

Rental certificate for a film - the permission required for the rental and (or) showing of a film in the territory of the Russian Federation. Obtaining the status of a national film, extending the validity period and canceling it is formalized by making an appropriate entry in the State Register signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an authorized official. The rolling certificate is issued in the form of an extract from the register. Any actions with him will be reflected in the State Register of National Films.

State register of film rental certificates launched in Russia

The information contained in the State Film Registry and the State Register of National Films is publicly available. Access to it is provided on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of cinematography.

It is also noted that a rental certificate for a film is not issued if it contains materials that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation on countering terrorism and extremist activities, contains information about the methods, methods of development and manufacture of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, materials promoting pornography, violence and cruelty, non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, pedophilia and gender change. In addition, a certificate is not provided if the film uses hidden inserts and other technical techniques and methods of disseminating information that affect the subconscious of a person and (or) have a harmful effect on his health. Those rental certificates that were issued before the entry into force of the new rules will remain valid until their expiration.[1]
