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"​Kontur" helped the Tula region automate checks for conflicts of interest ​

Customers: Center for Information Technologies (CIT) of the Tula Region (GAU TO CIT)

Tula; Information technology

Contractors: SKB Kontur
Product: Contour Focus

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Automating Conflict of Interest Checks

SKB Kontur helped the Tula region automate checks for conflicts of interest ​Departament prevent corruption and other offenses of the Tula region automated checks of employees for conflicts of interest. This became possible thanks to the joint development of the Contour and the State Autonomous Institution of the Tula Region "Center for Information Technologies." SKB Kontur announced this on September 5, 2024.

To track signs of a conflict of interest, the regional anti-corruption body analyzes the possible affiliation of employees and their relatives with business entities. Previously, checking the commercial ties of 20 employees and their relatives could take a whole working day. In total, it was necessary to check about 1000 employees of executive authorities and 2,000 employees with high corruption risks in state institutions. Several web services were used to work. Employees had to switch between services and internal systems, manually transfer data from one program to another. The check often did not reveal signs of possible affiliation, but took a long time.

The department decided to automate checks for the risk of conflicts of interest in order to conduct them in one "window" of the internal information system.

Work in this direction began back in 2013. Then the body of the Tula region for the prevention of corruption and other offenses, together with the GAU TO "CIT," created its own program "Certificate of Income and Expenses" on the 1C platform and then integrated it with " system. In 2023, the region planned to develop the functionality of the "Statement of Income and Expenses" in terms of automating the process of identifying the risk of a conflict of interest. The agency was looking for a developer who could, together with GAU TO "CIT," create a program for automatic identification of affiliation and integrate it with the program "Certificate of Income and Expenses." For cooperation, they chose Contour and its solution to identify conflicts of interest on the basis of Contour. Focus.

{{quote 'author = Nikolai Kozlov said, Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Anti-Corruption Inspections Department of the Department for the Prevention of Corruption and Other Offenses of the Ministry for the Control and Prevention of Corruption Violations in the Tula Region. | Thanks to the decision of the Contour and GAU TO "CIT," we managed to implement a risk-oriented approach in this work, therefore, the need for mass verification measures has disappeared. Signs of a conflict of interest, which we could previously find only with the help of painstaking manual verification, the program now detects in automatic mode. In accordance with the routine task, the system processes "big data" and issues markers that indicate possible signs of affiliation. And employees of the anti-corruption body specifically work them out for possible risks. Optimization of manual labor is evident,}}

{{quote 'author = noted Elena Kataeva, Head of the Group for Work with State Bodies Kontur. Focus. | The result of the joint project of the Contour and GAU TO "CIT" has become a universal tool for the prevention and detection of corruption incidents. The program will massively check all employees and their relatives in connection with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, including showing the details of the ties: on what basis the employee or his relative is associated with the organization - is the current head, founder or was in the past. Smart solution algorithms allow you to reduce long checks to minutes. The joint solution takes into account the current information security requirements, eliminating the risks of information leaks,}}

The Department plans to expand the range of audited categories of officials using the Contour. Focus module: to cover the verification of both municipal employees of the subject, and employees of state and municipal institutions who fill positions with high corruption risks.