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2024: Sentence - 12 years in prison for embezzlement of 1.5 billion rubles from world hockey champion Alexander Radulov

On September 5, 2024, the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow issued a verdict in a criminal case against the former chairman of the board of directors of the Transnational Bank, Sergei Kononov. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison for embezzlement from a credit institution of more than 1.5 billion rubles.

The investigation in question was initiated in 2018 after complaints from bank depositors, including world hockey champion Alexander Radulov, who kept savings of 1.5 billion rubles at the Transnational Bank. After revoking the license from a financial institution, it turned out that his money was missing. Radulov was able to win the case in the arbitration court, which decided to return the funds to him. At the same time, the athlete accused Kononov of fraud.

source = Wikipedia
World Hockey Champion Alexander Radulov

The court found that Kononov, who was the beneficiary and member of the board of directors of Transnational Bank LLC, Elena Panteleeva, who is the deputy head of the client service department of the credit institution, and other bank employees fraudulently stole depositors' funds. At the same time, they all acted as part of an organized group, which, allegedly, also included the president of a credit institution.

The case file says that from May 2010 to April 2015, Kononov, together with other persons, having control over the accounts of depositors, stole funds totaling 1.6 billion rubles. In order to legalize money in December 2013, $5 million was transferred from a bank account to acquire shares in a foreign company. In addition, Kononov, acting as part of an organized group together with the president of the bank, as well as Panteleeva, in 2014-2015 transferred funds belonging to a credit institution to the accounts of controlled legal entities in the amount of more than 213.4 million rubles.

Taking into account the position of the state prosecutor of the Zamoskvoretsky interdistrict prosecutor's office, the court sentenced Kononov to 12 years in prison. Panteleeva was sentenced to 5 years in prison, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office said in a statement.[1]
