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2024/09/10 13:36:41

Clear sound

"Pure Sound" is the first ever award for the best audio recording of Russian academic music. The organizer of the award is the Russian Music Union with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

Main article: Music industry

2024: Acceptance of applications for the III International Clean Sound Award

On the official website of the International Prize for the Best Audio Recording of Works of Russian Academic Music "Pure Sound" in September 2024, applications were opened. In 2025, the Clean Sound Award will be awarded for the third time.

Audio recordings of musical works by Russian composers of any academic genres, as well as composer treatments of folklore musical material, can be nominated for the prize. The selection involves phonograms in digital formats WAV or AIFF, released no earlier than January 1, 2021 and no later than January 12, 2025. Applications are accepted from copyright holders: authors of works, performers, sound engineers, phonogram manufacturers, publishers.

Nominations cover all major areas and genres of academic vocal and instrumental music: opera, choral works, chamber vocal music, orchestral music, chamber instrumental ensemble and solo music. Collections of audio recordings with different composition of performers and restored archival audio recordings will also be evaluated.

You can send an application until January 12, 2025 inclusive on the award website: The Regulations posted on the website describe in detail the conditions for participation in the award and the procedure for determining the winners.

The assessment of releases that have passed technical expertise will be carried out in two stages, for each of which a separate jury has been formed.

The jury of the qualifying stage chaired by the head of the sound supply, sound recording and Internet broadcast service of the Moscow Philharmonic, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Pavel Lavrenenkov included:

  • sound engineer, and. about. Alexander Mikhlin, Head of the Department of Music Sound Engineering, RAM named after Gnesins;
  • leading sound engineer of the Mariinsky Theater Vladimir Ryabenko;
  • sound engineer of the Mosfilm studio Gennady Papin;
  • sound engineer of the Multifunctional Educational and Production Center for Sound Recording and Sound Engineering of the Moscow State Pedagogical Complex named after P.I. Tchaikovsky Ruslan Oreshnikov;
  • producer, deputy head of the Multifunctional Educational and Production Center for Sound Recording and Sound Engineering of the Moscow City Committee named after P.I. Tchaikovsky Evgeny Platonov;
  • sound engineer, teacher of the Department of Music Sound Engineering of the RAM named after Gnesins and the Institute of Contemporary Arts Ilya Dontsov.

At the final stage, releases will be evaluated by:

  • composer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, professor, head of the composition department of MGK named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, artistic director of the Moscow Philharmonic Alexander Tchaikovsky (chairman of the jury);
  • General Director of the Russian National Museum of Music, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bryzgalov;
  • General Director - Artistic Director of the Russian State Music Television and Radio Center Irina Gerasimova;
  • radio journalist, Honored Journalist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Diana Berlin;
  • sound engineer of the Multifunctional Educational and Production Center for Sound Recording and Sound Engineering of the Tchaikovsky MGK, associate professor of the Department of Contemporary Music of the Tchaikovsky MGK Mikhail Spassky.

The names of the best releases and the names of their creators will be announced at the gala concert with the award ceremony, which will be held in June 2025 and will be broadcast online on the Культура.РФ portal. At the same time, the selection results will remain intriguing until the very end: voting is carried out anonymously, each application is submitted to the jury members for consideration under an automatically generated code name.

2019 and 2021: First awards ceremonies

The first winners received awards in 2019; in 2021, the second award ceremony took place. Among the laureates were leading Russian and European labels, famous groups of performers and soloists, famous producers and sound engineers.