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Баннер в шапке 2

People's Inspector

Developers: CCPT - Center for Digital Transformation of the Republic of Tatarstan
Last Release Date: August 2024
Branches: Transport

2024: Introduction of user fees for video filming of traffic violations

On September 9, 2024, the government Tatarstan approved a new procedure for rewarding users state of the People's Inspector information system. The corresponding decree was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic Alexei Pesoshin.

The purpose of the introduction of the People's Inspector service is to strengthen control over the road situation in the region. Users through a special application can record cases of traffic violations and send videos lasting up to 30 seconds to the traffic police for further consideration and taking measures against violators. In accordance with the approved decree, remuneration will be paid to Tatarstan residents for the transfer of information on seven types of offenses:

· Environmental pollution: unloading or dumping of production waste from cars - 1150 rubles;

· Driver or motorcyclist not wearing a seat belt without a motorcycle helmet - 300 rubles;

· Travel to the prohibiting traffic light signal or the prohibiting gesture of the traffic controller - 300 rubles;

· Violation of the stop requirement in front of the stop line with a prohibiting traffic light - 230 rubles;

· Departure to the oncoming lane or to the oncoming tram tracks - 1440 rubles;

· Failure to provide an advantage in traffic to pedestrians - 435 rubles;

· Talking on the phone while driving - 435 rubles.

The amount of remuneration paid is 50 percent of half of the lowest amount of the administrative fine applied by the article of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (excluding taxes and fees) and 10 percent of the amount of the administrative fine under Part 3 1 of Article 8.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account personal income tax, - said in the adopted document.

Payments of remuneration for information about traffic offenders in Tatarstan are made in a non-cash form.[1]
