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Digital platform for self-guided autotourists and caravaners

Developers: Digital Transformation Association (ADC)
Date of the premiere of the system: September 2024
Branches: Transport,  Tourism, hotel and restaurant business

2024: Launch of a single state platform

In September 2024, a single state platform for supporting domestic tourism was launched in Russia, which combines information about hotels, vehicle tickets, as well as the services of guides and other providers of travel services. This digital product is developed as part of the implementation of the state tourism development program until 2035, and its launch is designed to facilitate the organization of trips within the country, providing tourists with the necessary tools for travel planning.

According to TASS, the new platform was created with the participation of the Digital Transformation Association. According to the Chairman of the Council of the Association Yuri Myshinsky, the platform consists of several modules, each of which plays an important role in organizing a comfortable and safe rest. The main function of the system is to collect and aggregate information from hotels, airlines, railway operators, companies providing excursion services, and other participants in the tourism market. This allows you to provide users with convenient access to all the necessary data for travel planning.

A single state platform for domestic tourism was launched in Russia - with hotels, tickets and guide services

An important component of the platform is the use of artificial intelligence for recommendations. Myshinsky noted that the system based on the preferences and habits of the tourist forms individual proposals for routes, similar to the way music services select playlists. Artificial intelligence analyzes the needs of each user, offering optimal routes and tourist sites to visit.

In addition, the system includes functions aimed at ensuring the comfort and safety of travel. If tourists need special services, such as medical facilities or facilities with increased accessibility for persons with disabilities, the platform will prompt suitable places for stops. If necessary, it will also show the nearest car maintenance stations, car shops and emergency services.[1]
