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Yandex.Delivery: Routing

Developers: Yandex.Delivery
Last Release Date: 2024/09/17
Branches: Logistics and Distribution

Yandex Routing is a logistics platform for planning optimal routes for visiting personnel and monitoring their implementation in real time. The system uses Yandex Maps data and takes into account a detailed forecast of traffic jams and weather to calculate the arrival time.

2024: Launch of the "Lite Routing" service

Yandex has launched the Lite Routing service, which will help small companies automatically plan routes for couriers, drivers, sales representatives and other traveling workers. Yandex announced this on September 17, 2024.

This service is focused specifically on the needs of small businesses and is suitable for entrepreneurs and small companies with a staff of traveling staff of up to five people. As a rule, small businesses often have to create routes manually using tables and mapping services, which usually takes up to 3 hours and does not allow the load to be distributed evenly. Lite routing helps ensure the same load of performers and reduces planning time by 12 times - up to 15 minutes.

With the help of the service, in a few minutes you can calculate how many and what orders you need to assign to each performer so that all of them are completed as quickly as possible. Users can automatically send route sheets to performers through their personal account and monitor the execution of routes in real time. Soon the service will have a directory of permanent addresses, the ability to work with routes from the phone and statistics on order fulfillment.

As of September 2024, Lite Routing is running in test mode. Companies that want to participate in testing can register on the service website and get free access to it. After testing, access will become paid, the cost will depend on the number of connected performers.