Customers: Urals FD of joint stock bank
Contractors: Active Soft (rutoken) Product: RutokenProject date: 2010/11 - 2010/12
The Aktiv company completed the second stage of the project of delivery of a batch of tokens for safe storage of the EDS keys (electronic digital signature) of corporate clients of a system of the remote banking (RB) of Ural Financial House bank ("the Urals FD").
Security of RBS for legal entities is the most important task of bank. For gain of protection of the EDS keys against a compromise by the management "the Urals FD" made the decision on storage of the electronic digital signature on the protected key carrier – Rutoken.
This device in the form of the USB-stick provides protection against unauthorized copying of the EDS key. On it can about 7 keys of the electronic digital signature are stored.
Delivery of USB tokens of Rutoken is performed in the custom body. Devices have a unique firmware.