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iFellow: Naimus

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: IFellow (iFall)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/09/24
Technology: HRM

2024: Launch of the Naimus service

A group of IT companies iFellow has launched cloud service Naimus to rank candidates based on. With algorithms artificial intelligence its help, companies will be able to improve the quality of recruiting and 3 times speed up the hiring process. The developer announced this on September 24, 2024.

The cloud service uses neural networks to identify the most relevant candidates. Algorithms match the job description and applicants' resumes, assigning candidates match points based on an analysis of their experience and skills. As a result, a priority list of applicants is formed with the justification of ranking: the system explains why points were awarded in each case, and why it considers the candidate suitable.

If the candidate does not meet the requirements, the service indicates for what reasons. The transparent and informed conclusions of the analysis provide human resources department specialists with the opportunity to make a final decision.

Thus, the "smart" assistant weeds out irrelevant resumes and allows you to focus on suitable candidates. Recruiters can immediately start communicating with potential employees without wasting time subtracting and filtering a huge number of documents.

"Naimus" can be useful for recruiters and hiring managers from different industries, especially in the field of IT. The iFellow group of companies has extensive experience in hiring highly qualified IT specialists, so Naimus is able to analyze, among other things, highly specialized technical skills.

Point selection of personnel in companies of any industry takes a long time and requires specialization from recruiters. And in small companies, such specialization in recruitment may not be at all. The task of understanding the context of a vacancy and matching it with a resume of a large number of candidates is simplified by "Naimus." The service is able to analyze any requirements and competencies. In addition, the product can be useful to independent recruiters and consultants in the field of HR, as well as personnel agencies and outsourcing companies. The service helps them successfully find highly qualified specialists in various industries and close complex vacancies in minimal time, "said Elizaveta Burdina, head of the iFellow product office.

The service operates in the cloud, which provides flexibility and availability from anywhere in the world. Registered users are provided with free demo access, including 30 requests to the service, so that users can appreciate its usability and ranking speed.