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Fix Price Expands Use of VK Cloud Solutions

Customers: Fix Price (BEST Price)


Product: VK Cloud Universal Cloud Platform for Digital Services Development (formerly VK Cloud Solutions)

Project date: 2024/09

2024: Plan to place up to 20 terabytes of data in the cloud

Fix Price expands the use of VK Cloud's cloud infrastructure for data storage and management. The company plans to place up to 20 terabytes of information in the cloud and combine it with data on internal servers by creating a single "data lake." VK (formerly Group) announced this on September 25, 2024.

At the current stage, VK Cloud cloud solutions work in addition to internal server capacity, which allows you to optimize costs IT infrastructure and increase its manageability. The key factor in choosing VK Cloud was the compliance with the Fix Price technology stack, which made it possible to integrate without difficulties. cloud services The decision was also influenced by the economic component - the cloud saves resources, because the company does not need to purchase its own server equipment.

We have been using VK Cloud for more than 5 years because the amount of data in Fix Price is constantly increasing. Resource scalability is important to us, which allows you to grow multiple times during peak loads on the online store. Cloud infrastructure is especially important when the load on servers multiples during promotions, - said Andrey Golovkin, head of the general IT contractor Fix Price.

Retail is an industry with extensive cloud experience. With the help of the VK Cloud platform, our customers improve business performance, establish continuous service operation and provide reliable data protection. For example, increase sales by working with data and Machine Learning in the cloud. The cloud allows you to quickly scale resources when traffic flows. Services can be managed by full-time employees of the company, and our Professional Services team can connect to build technically complex architectural solutions, "said Dmitry '[[Dmitry Lazarenko|Lazarenko, Product Director of VK Cloud, Head of the VK Tech Cloud Services Segment.]]