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RuSat: Computer tomograph

Developers: Rosatom RDS
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2024
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: Computed tomographs,  X-ray tomographs

2024: Product Announcement

At the end of August 2024, it became known that the state corporation Rosatom developed the first domestic computer tomograph based on the Russian emitter. The project is being implemented by specialists of the RuSat RDS organization.

As the head of the GK direction Nuclear medicineRosatom Valentin Smirnov said, earlier four Russia attempts were made to create a domestic tomograph, but they were unsuccessful. According to him, by August 2024, about 4 thousand are operating in the Russian Federation. CT machines. However, the problem is that foreign equipment is used, the supply of which in the current geopolitical situation has become difficult.

Computed tomograph

In this foreign equipment there are X-ray emitters that work 1.5-2 years depending on the operating conditions, after that we must change the X-ray emitter. Russia spent every year - I say "spent," because now the supply restrictions are 18 billion rubles: 12 billion for "iron" and 6 billion for maintenance, - TASS quoted Smirnov as saying.

The total cost of work within the framework of the Rosatom project for the design of the first domestic computed tomograph as of the end of August 2024 was not disclosed. But it is known that research and design work on the creation of an X-ray emitter for a tomograph cost the state corporation 1.193 billion rubles. It is also said that the All-Russian Research and Testing Institute of Medical Technology (VNIIIMT) of Roszdravnadzor approved a new emitter as compatible components for imported Canon Medical Systems tomographs. The IRT.LUCh-7.000.000 handset can be used in Aquilion 16, 32, 64 slice and Aquilion LB series[1]
