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Main events of the industry of software of 2010


30.12.10, 13:46, Msk

Every year in the information technology industry there are winners and losers. In 2010 we became witnesses of numerous fights between platforms for a share in the market. Also the set of software releases, significant for the industry, was made.

SAP Vs. Oracle

This year hearing of the case which was conducted in 2007 ended: in the claim of Oracle against TomorrowNow, the company of service support of solutions Oracle, and SAP which purchased provider in 2005. SAP was accused of illegal use of materials of technical support of competitors. SAP admitted guilt and should pay a penalty in the amount of $1.3 billion.

Release of Windows 7

The long-awaited release of the Windows 7 operating system was crowned with success for Microsoft, as in a segment of corporate, and private users. In December, for example, the U.S. Air Force announced the fastest in the history upgrade of OS – with Vista to Windows 7. The latest version of a system allowed corporation to increase significantly revenue in 2010.

AutoCAD returned on Mac

For the first time in 20 years the producer of CAD systems Autodesk announced resuming of support of the Macintosh platform, having released AutoCAD for Mac. The developer also promised support of other devices of a product line of Apple, having released mobile version of AutoCAD for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. AutoCAD is already available to Mac in the USA and Europe, and mobile version of the program can be downloaded on iTunes.

Fight of browsers

2010 was marked by a release of several key versions of popular browsers and continuation of serious fight between them for a share in the market. In November Mozilla released Firefox of 4 beta for mobile devices, available in 10 languages for devices on Android and Maemo At the same time Microsoft announced a release of the beta of Internet Explorer 9, positioning it as faster, effective and having deeper graphic potential in comparison with previous. Also in the end of the year there took place the presentation of long-awaited Chrome from Google which in fact is the operating system on the basis of the browser of the same name. There were also interesting startups like RockMelt.

Ubuntu: there was private "cloud".

With release of Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, Canonical Ltd. gave an opportunity to the organizations to create own "clouds" and if it is necessary, to connect them to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud integrates Ubuntu Linux with Eucalyptus and other management tools "cloud". Red Hat Enterprise Linux and other types of Linux can be used together with other tools for creation of a "cloud" environment.

Assets of SCO are sold

Having lost the claim to Novell and IBM, SCO Group in September stated that it will try to sell the majority of the business of Unix after during insolvency proceeding it will be approved. In 2004 SCO submitted a claim against Novell, having accused competitors of loss of millions of dollars. The vendor also tried to accuse IBM of use of the Unix code in the software products.

Oracle started the Fusion Apps platform

The years spent for inventory of functionality of the software products purchased during absorption later, Oracle at last completes the work on creation of a unified environment of Fusion Applications, the product should appear already in the first quarter 2011.

Oracle Fusion Applications will be offered in the form of seven product families, including areas of financial management, project management and portfolio and supply chain management. Are constructed by Oracle Fusion applications based on architecture of SOA.