Customers: Good deeds Master Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C Architect of business (1AB Master) Product: 1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management and customer relations (CRM)На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2010/12
Number of licenses: 6
The 1C Architect of business (1AB) IT holding successfully completed the project on system implementation "1C:Enterprise 8. Trade management and customer relations (CRM)" at the DDM enterprise which is engaged in production and sale of houses from a glued bar. In a new system for regulation of sales business processes which help employees and the management to interact accurately with each other were built and to control each stage of the transaction. Order processing time was reduced by 4 times, customer service quality increased.
DDM LLC (the company "Good Deeds the Master") is a producer of high-quality products from glued wood: sets of wooden houses, cottages, baths and other buildings from a glued bar. And also performs all stages of construction of houses from a glued bar on ready and "individual" projects. Thanks to own team of architects the enterprise executes also orders for production of buildings on exclusive projects.
Gain of the competition in the market of sales of products from a tree forced heads of DDM LLC to pay attention to quality of the service provided to clients which directly influences sales volume. The specifics of the enterprise mean "long" sales which involve practically all divisions of the company: sales department, service of quality, marketing, technical department, architects and management. At the same time all information in the company to system implementation of automation was told by phone or in paper form – "the human factor" played an essential role, information could get lost that led to failure to follow the agreements reached with clients. The increased flow of buyers did not allow managers of departments quickly and to together resolve different working issues. The lack of storage system of history of communication with buyers reduced efficiency of each sale: nuances of orders and a term of transaction had to be specified repeatedly, data were stored on paper and in spreadsheets that complicated access to them for several employees of the company, search of the necessary data took away a lot of time.
The company management of "DDM" came to a conclusion that a system which would manage business sales processes in the company is necessary, allowed to conduct the history of relationship on each partner, to maintain relevance of information, to control projects at each stage and to analyze all information on sales. Also important issue was online access to information of several employees of the company from different access points including far off. The "1C: Trade Management and customer relations (CRM)" configuration which was suitable for implementation of all requests of DDM LLC became the solution. As the partner in system implementation the IT holding "1sarkhitektor business", having all necessary competences and experience in implementation of similar projects was selected.
Implementation and setup of a new information system in "DDM" took only a month, 6 jobs were automated. As a result in the company the unified information system which adjusted communications between different departments and allowed employees to delegate each other tasks for harmonious collaboration in customer orders and for operational data exchange was created.
In a system three business sales processes which govern the relations of managers and clients on different types of transactions were implemented: design, delivery and construction contract. Business processes originate from the first record in the history of the client and further start the mechanism controlling an order of project development, drawing up the estimate, approval of the project with the client, etc. in a system. The manager does not need to think over independently the scheme of service, the sequence of stages of the transaction, to notify interested persons. The program will make it automatically: will notify the necessary employees on the client, will remind of important stages of the transaction, will help to create documents, will define the sequence of actions of the manager. Thanks to automation conducting sales became accurate, and customer service always equally qualitative that considerably increased company competitiveness. Processing speed of each order grew by 4 times. A system excluded the probability of failure to meet time constraints of projects thanks to the built business processes in which are specified and using which terms of performance of work, responsibles are controlled.
Thanks to implementation of the program are stored in "DDM" now the history of communication with each client where all arrangements and conditions of order fulfillment which cannot be lost even in the conditions of "long" sales or in the absence of the responsible manager are fixed. At managers need to hold all information in the head and on paper disappeared. Information on all partners and all events is stored in the "1C: Trade Management and customer relations (CRM)" configuration, reminders on calls, outstanding tasks form, commercial offers are formed, documents for sale (accounts and acts) automatically form. Remote access to up-to-date information on each client is provided to all staff of the company irrespective of where they are: at office or at a meeting with the customer. Thanks to it the quality of service considerably grew, and in a month after implementation the trend of increase in sales volume of the enterprise in comparison with last year's indicators for the same period was outlined.
Analytical program capabilities "1C: Trade Management and customer relations (CRM)" allow company management of DDM LLC to be aware of events always: control actions of managers using the report "The analysis of events", in time to react to recessions of sales. The built-in tool "Funnel of Sales" allows directors to estimate the interest of clients in a cash equivalent. For example, to plan future profit, proceeding from the number of the customer orders which are in work and their requirements stated in these orders.
Founder of DDM LLC Ilya Vavilov: "The CRM technology ideally fitted into a daily company performance, made it much more simply and that the most important, is more effective on time expenditure and quality of service. System implementation was labor-consuming, but as a result business processes accurately regulated the sequence of work of all managers. It very much facilitates sales management. Customer service quality at once grew: we do not forget to call the client and to remind of ourselves, of project stages, in time we send the necessary information or documents, we remember all arrangements with it. It seems to me that implementation of CRM and a configuration for trade management is the same need as existence of 1C: Accounting in each company today".