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Honeywell CO

Developers: Honeywell
Last Release Date: January, 2011
Technology: ASCAPC

The CO program of version 3.6 carries out complete hydraulic calculation of a system of central heating: diameters of pipelines are selected; hydraulic resistances of circulating rings are defined; pressure losses in a system are defined; pressure in circulating rings is analyzed. At the same time the corresponding hydraulic resistance of section with the consumer of thermal energy is provided, settings of the control valves set by the designer are selected and the required authority of thermostatic valves is automatically considered.

The new version of the program works on the Windows 7 operating system and has a number of the additional opportunities facilitating work with it. In addition to change of a core of the program, the database on the equipment was expanded. Along with complete existence of the nomenclature of the equipment of Honeywell in it, databases on heating devices were considerably expanded.