Pirate Party of Russia (PPR)
In January, 2011. Announced social movement "Pirate Party of Russia" (PPR) the new scheme of work of the project – "the Russian WikiLeaks". The website appeared in network at the beginning of December, 2010, however earlier on it only the transfers of materials from WikiLeaks concerning Russia and the CIS countries were published. Now the project intends to collect and publish independently information from anonymous sources.
As the vice-chairman of the Russian piracy movement Stanislav Shakirov told CNews, project owners are "pirates from the European countries", and collection of information will be performed with the assistance of the Party of Pensioners of Russia, International association of piracy batches and WikiLeaks.
The domain on which "the Russian WikiLeaks" is located is registered on Gregory Engels who lives in Germany and is a cochairman of International association of Pirate Party.
According to Shakirov, on hand "Russian WikiLeaks" is already a document package which are going to be published on the website within the next two weeks. Shakirov refused to show CNews some document from collected "collection", however noted that among them there are materials of departmental level, for example, financial statements of one of the Russian ministries.
Anyone can transfer documents of Ruleaks. For protection of anonymity pirates suggest "merge" them through the distributed network of TOR intended for providing anonymous surfing and the publication in network, anonymous use of the instant messaging systems and other applications using the TCP protocol. It is possible to download the TOR client according to the link on the website Ruleaks. The project is ready to accept all materials having political, economic, diplomatic, ethical and historical value.
According to the vice-chairman of the Party of Pensioners of Russia, before the publication all materials will be verified by experts who will be selected by piracy community. "Their names will publicly not be revealed. I can only tell that among such experts – teachers of the universities, professors, journalists of public and political subject", - Shakirov explains.
"the Russian WikiLeaks" has no financing: today people perform work on a voluntary basis, and the technical base is provided at the expense of resources of the Party of Pensioners of Russia and International association of piracy batches, creators of a resource say.