E-TIME - the repeated prize-winner of the All-Russian Internet tender "Gold Website". The company has high competence of development of the websites of football clubs and the sports organizations. Among recent developments - the new version of the website of FC Zenit.
In 10 years specialists of E-TIME performed works about 200 web projects, created tens of presentation multimedia disks and implemented tens of program projects. In particular, I-TAYM (E-TIME) developed program web solutions for BEST FM FM radio station, Central Partnership film concern, Radio Tune FM radio station, Football Union of Russia, football clubs "Rubin" (Kazan) (Stars of Tatneta) and Lokomotiv (Moscow) ("The gold website" of 2006). The design was also developed for the Auto.ru and e-Xecutive.ru portals, the Finam.fm station. Among the innovation projects there are companies: Moneymatika.ru is the practical website for those who got used to count money and 100parts.ru - the first Russian search system on auto parts and other goods for motorists.