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FSIS EIAS (federal regulatory body - regional regulatory bodies - regulatory entities)

Developers: Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS RF)
Branches: State and social structures

2023-2024: FAS received ₽546 million for digitalization of regulation of housing and communal services and electricity tariffs

in Federal Antimonopoly Service Russia December 2024, she received funding in the amount of ₽546 million for the development of the Federal state Information System "Unified Information and Analytical System" for the digitalization of tariff regulation in the field of electricity and HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES fixed-line telephone communications.

According to CNews, within the framework of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" in 2023, ₽53 million were allocated for the development of the FSIS EIAS, and in 2022 - ₽493 million. This system was created in 2013 by the Federal Tariff Service, which in 2015 was abolished with the transfer of FAS functions.

FAS received 546 million rubles for the digitalization of tariff regulation of housing and communal services and the electric power industry

The main goal of modernization is the transformation of the FSIS EIAS into a single digital tariff platform, which will ensure the automation of the processes of state regulation of tariffs and prices, as well as monitoring the implementation of production programs of regulated organizations.

As part of the functional development of the system, it is planned to increase the number of areas of tariff regulation with automated interaction between the FAS, regional bodies and regulated organizations. Templates of tariff applications and expert opinions will be unified.

The system shall provide information processing for at least 2 thousand simultaneous users with a response time of not more than 20 seconds. It is also planned to transfer system components to import-independent technologies.

According to the Unified Information System "Procurement," in 2023 the winner of the auction for the provision of software for the FSIS EIAS was LLC "Platform," the contract amount was ₽53 million.

In 2025-2026, it is planned to create a similar functionality for the sectors of water supply, sanitation, heat supply, solid municipal waste management and the electric power industry. This will make it possible to translate all processes of state regulation of tariffs into digital format and ensure paperless document flow.[1]
