Customers: MMK Hardware Magnitogorsk; Metallurgical industry Contractors: Primo RPA, Nekst CTR - Center for Robotization Technologies Product: Primo RPAProject date: 2021/04 - 2022/02
2022: Implementation of Primo RPA
The main task of implementing RPA technologies was to automate large processes in HR, sales, economics, finance, production and supply management. Key goals included reducing the time to perform operations, minimizing errors and improving control.
Key achievements:
- Robotization of 18 business processes, including illiquid management and human resources operations.
- HR: 25 hours per month is saved on the formation of documents; more than 2 million rubles of annual economic effect.
- Illiquids: Robots save 21 hour on generating reports; errors in illiquid control decreased from 5% to 0%.
- Accounting of working hours: the number of detected violations increased by 20%; from 240 to 30 minutes a day, work time on this issue was reduced.
The use of robots in HR has simplified the processing of documents on the operations of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, which has improved the quality and speed of tasks.
Since 2022, they have been using software robots on Primo RPA.
Until 2026, the company plans to expand the use of RPA to automate 52 processes.