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Mandriva-Mythware Education Solution

Developers: Mandriva
Branches: Science and education
Technology: OS

The Mandriva company provided a new product: Mandriva-Mythware Education Solution created in cooperation with the Chinese developer Mythware. The joint solution is directed to the schools using inexpensive Intel Classmate PC computers under control of Mandriva, first of all, in Brazil.

However possibilities of Education Solution can be interesting also to the Russian market, Komissarov Dmitry, the board member of Mandriva and the CEO of PingWin Software company considers: "This solution for the subject teacher. The teacher has an access to desktops of pupils, there is an opportunity to give content on all computers in a class. This integrated solution, the cheapest". Use of similar solutions at the Russian schools would allow to solve, according to Dmitry Komissarov, a problem of informatization of the Russian schools much quicker, than it occurs today: "For 150 dollars it will be possible to equip each pupil".

In the closest plans of Mandriva – the release of the educational version of Mandriva for the Russian market is, according to Dmitry Komissarov, will happen in the spring, is closer by May. However Mandriva is not going to be limited only to the PC and netbooks: "Is closer to summer, after release, versions will be available to tablets and ebook". Ebook devices which today "become full-fledged computers" are one of Mandriva priorities, and the company is going to develop for them own interface cover. "In the summer the cover precisely will be for testing", – Dmitry Komissarov assures CNews.