Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Control automation by financial and economic activity of UK Armator and the companies managed by it

Customers: Armator

Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: MRCB
Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2011/01

The M-RTsB consulting firm developed and implemented the Automated Control System for Financial and Economic Activity (ACSFEA) based on the application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management on 1C: Enterprise platform 8.2" for the Armator Management Company and Group which are under its management.

ASUFHD provides resource management of the enterprises which are engaged in different types of activity:

  • project activity,
  • research activity,
  • construction,
  • trade,
  • production,
  • services.

The following activities of the enterprise are automated:

  • Contract management,
  • Project management,
  • Management of material resources,
  • Treasury,
  • Budgeting,
  • The regulated and management accounting,
  • Personnel management,
  • Payroll.

ASUFHD is integrated with the Corporate Project Management System (PMS) based on Microsoft Office Project. Data exchange between systems is performed at:

  • planning of project budgets and divisions;
  • formation of Orders on stages of projects;
  • formation of Acts of the performed works;
  • payroll of employees.

Integration of MSPS and ASUFHD allowed to exclude double entry of data, to reduce an error probability; provide consistency in information systems; it is essential to lower labor costs on input and adjustment of data.

UK "Armator" received the instrument of effective management of diversified businesses both separate business units, and complex projects as a part of which resources of managed companies are consolidated. The complex projects implemented by Group for external Customers moved to higher level of effectiveness due to creation of objective information environment.