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2025/02/11 14:27:35

GRP of the regions of Russia


Russia's GDP

Main article: Russia's GDP


2025: Region Ranking by Gross Regional Product

In February 2025, Rosstat published a bulletin on the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation. This document presents, among other things, data on the gross regional product (GRP) of Russian entities.

The leader in GRP in Russia remains Moscow with an indicator of 28.51 trillion rubles at the end of 2022 (more recent Rosstat data by February 2025 have not been published). Next come St. Petersburg (11.17 trillion rubles) and the Moscow region (7.72 trillion rubles).

The smallest GRPs were recorded in Ingushetia and the Jewish Autonomous Region - 82.2 billion and 80.7 billion rubles, respectively, at the end of 2024.

According to Rosstat terminology, gross regional product (GRP) is a generalizing indicator of the economic activity of the region, characterizing the process of production of goods and services for final use. GRP is calculated at current main prices (nominal GRP volume), as well as at constant prices (real GRP volume). Gross Regional Product (GRP) is the gross added value of goods and services created by the residents of the region and is defined as the difference between output and intermediate consumption.

The GRP indicator is very close in economic content to the gross domestic product (GDP) indicator. However, there is a significant difference between GDP (at the federal level) and GRP (at the regional level), the department notes. The amount of gross regional products in Russia is unequal to GDP, since it does not include added value for non-market collective services (defense, public administration, etc.) provided by state institutions to society as a whole, Rosstat adds.[1]
