Customers: Infamed K Bagrationovsk (Kaliningrad region); Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare Contractors: Sintelli Product: Sintelli: Software complex of chemoinformatics for solving problems of organic and medical chemistryProject date: 2024/07 - 2025/01
2025: Using the AI Platform from "Sintelli"
Infamed K uses a modular AI platform from Sintelli (part of Nanosemantika Group Nanosemantics) to develop a new drug. According to the company's specialists, this will reduce the total project period by 30-50%. Nanosemantic announced this on February 17, 2025.
INFAMED K, the developer and exclusive manufacturer of such well-known drugs as Miramistin and Okomistin, has long-term ambitious goals for the production of new drugs based on original drug molecules. Within the framework of the current project, it is necessary to find a unique molecule that combines antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. To do this, INFAMED K specialists created a special dataset, including known molecules that have already been registered as drugs in the corresponding anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (ATC) groups.
To optimize the search, processing and analysis of chemical information, INFAMED K uses a modular AI platform for organic and medical chemistry, Sintelli, which predicts more than 80 properties of substances, including toxicological characteristics, using deep learning algorithms. Thus, it is possible to weed out millions of unpromising compounds in the early stages of development and reduce the risks of failure in the stage of preclinical and clinical studies.
With the help of the Sintelli platform, INFAMED K specialists conducted an initial screening to select just over 200 molecules from millions of potential options. Further, thanks to careful filtration by key parameters - such as reducing toxicity in various groups of animals and assessing the patent purity of the compounds - 38 of the most promising molecules were isolated.
One of the important stages of the process of developing new drugs - a literary search - specialists also performed with the help of "Sintelli." The platform analyzed available data and scientific publications to determine the patent status of the molecule, which made it possible to separate previously investigated molecules from new ones.
Further, the most promising compounds were ranked, and potential synthetic pathways were identified for the six list leaders. The Sintelli platform made it possible to predict the mass spectra and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra, which significantly simplified the confirmation of the structure of the synthesized compounds. Experts were able to compare the calculated data with the spectra obtained in the laboratory and assess the purity and identity of the substance.
The development of a new drug often takes about 10 years, including the choice of a molecule, preclinical and clinical trials, and registration. With the help of the Sintelli platform, INFAMED K hopes to reduce this process by 3-5 years.
The key value of "Sintelli" to us is to significantly accelerate the development process. Thanks to its capabilities, we can more efficiently weed out inappropriate molecules, which can significantly reduce research costs. This will give us the opportunity to focus on deep optimization of promising compounds and move faster to the stage of clinical trials, ‒ said Konstantin Sergeyevich Nazarov, Deputy Production Director, INFAMED K LLC. |
The development of new medicines in Russia is of strategic importance. We are glad that 7 years after the start of the development of our product, we have finally got close to the real and successful cases of our customers, which are extremely interesting to watch. I hope that further there will be more and more of them, ‒ said Alina Albertovna Mukhamedzhanova, General Director of Sintelli LLC. |