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Getmobit Babylon Information Resource Aggregator

Developers: Getmobit
Date of the premiere of the system: 2025/03/04
Technology: Virtualization

Main article: Virtualization. Classification and applications

2025: Presentation of the application "Babylon"

Getmobit on March 4, 2025 announced a super-system application with the working title "Babylon." The product is designed for simultaneous user access to historically disparate virtual desktop environments. Getmobit is confident that this technology will significantly accelerate the digital transformation of large businesses (from 5 to 30 thousand users) and state corporations.

A product that eliminates dependence on a single vendor will be in demand when switching to Russian virtual desktop environments, fulfilling the requirements for critical information infrastructure objects, combining IT systems of different companies in one circuit. As of March 2025, Getmobit begins testing the product in the format of pilot projects. The introduction of the Babylon super-system application into the register of Russian software is planned in the 3rd quarter of 2025. Babylon will provide a single interface for working with virtual desktops, applications and data in current virtualization environments (VDI, terminal access, etc.), including Russian and foreign platforms (Citrix, VMware and domestic counterparts). This will allow users to access the necessary resources regardless of the infrastructure used, which may be relevant for companies with a heterogeneous IT environment. Often, it turns out to be faster and more efficient to organize "end-to-end" access on the user's side than to combine technologically isolated information systems.

We aimed to create a solution that will provide users with familiar and convenient access to their work resources regardless of the infrastructure used. Babylon integrates with various VDI and terminal access platforms, operating systems, which makes it a universal tool for companies with a heterogeneous IT environment, "said Maria Rukavishnikova, Founder and CEO of Getmobit.

Simultaneous user access to several different VDI infrastructures and terminal ones to servers became especially relevant when switching state corporations and companies with state participation to domestic OS and software products from January 1, 2025 in accordance with methodological recommendations. Ministry of Digital Development With the support of many domestic and foreign desktop virtualization platforms, Babylon allows you to implement many business scenarios, depending on your tasks IT and infrastructure development plans. The product works both thin clients with Getmobit and on third-party devices in the environment. OS Linux The product ensures compliance with the requirements both information security in the contour of the corporate network and beyond its perimeter, when connected through public networks.

{{quote "Due to the urgent need to replace foreign VDIs such as Citrix, VMware, etc., with similar Russian solutions, it is important to ensure that existing user scenarios are preserved in the virtual desktop infrastructure. Babylon solves this problem through a single user interface for various devices, regardless of the infrastructure solutions used. At the same time, it is easier to implement in comparison with existing approaches based on such open source products as Ansible, Puppet and their derivatives, "said Vasily Shubin, Director of the Getmobit Product Portfolio Management Department. }}

Due to the growing relevance of Russian VDI platforms, customers have the tasks of implementing and supporting new VDI environments in parallel with existing ones. According to Getmobit, this technology will be relevant for about 900 thousand workplaces. As of 2022, about 75% of systems worked on Citrix, another 20% on VMware. As of March 2025, almost all large customers have certain working combinations of virtualization systems. In addition, Russian VDI systems are regularly used in parallel with foreign ones.

According to analysts, the market for solutions for virtualization of workplaces in Russia continues to grow: in 2024, its growth ranged from 23% to 43% compared to 2023. The market size is estimated by experts from 2.8 to 8.9 billion rubles.