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"Contour" helped the Kolomna administration automate checks for conflicts of interest

Customers: Kolomna Urban District Administration

State and social structures

Contractors: SKB Kontur
Product: Contour Focus

Project date: 2024/08  - 2025/02

2025: Implementation of "Contour. Focus"

SKB Kontur helped the Kolomna administration automate checks for conflicts of interest. Kontur announced this on March 3, 2025.

The Department of Municipal Service and Personnel of the Kolomna Administration automated checks for conflicts of interest using Kontur. Focus. Previously, checking 100 municipal employees took about a week, now - one day.

To prevent and prevent corruption violations, the department must check municipal employees and heads of municipal organizations for affiliation with business entities.

Previously, only open sources were used in the work. To collect the necessary information, you had to switch from one site to another, transfer information to a summary document, analyze it and compile a verification report.

Employees carried out spot inspections of new employees and occasional mass inspections. In order to systematize the work, the Kolomna administration has connected a solution to automate inspections to identify the risk of a conflict of interest from Kontur. Focus. The program analyzes the commercial relations of employees and close relatives, based on the results of the audit, a report is formed.

{{quote 'author=said Ekaterina Vorobyova, Head of the Department of Municipal Service and Personnel of the Kolomna Administration. | We were able to streamline the verification process, make it deeper. If earlier we checked employees only for commercial ties, now we cover verification and contacts with procurement participants. Moreover, the process itself has become much easier. Automation of inspections with the help of Contour Focus helped us achieve the main goal - to implement a risk-oriented approach,}}

{{quote 'author=noted Elena Kataeva, Head of the Government Relations Team Kontur.Fokus |

Checks for compliance with the requirements of federal laws dated 02.03.2007 No. 25-FZ "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation," dated 27.07.2004 No. 79-FZ "On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" and dated 25.12.2008 No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" are complex and time-consuming, since they are carried out in a "manual mode." We analyzed the methods of verification processes in different regions, identified common difficulties and, as a result, created a universal tool for automatically identifying the risk of conflicts of interest. It is enough to load the list of employees and their relatives into the program and run the check. As a result, more than 2,000 chains of ties can be analyzed within a few minutes and possible affiliation with a specific business entity can be identified. The use of Kontur. The focus in the work of the personnel department of the Kolomna administration made it possible to reduce the labor intensity of inspections, significantly increase their effectiveness and free specialists from routine,}}