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Emirates deploys telemedicine equipment on planes so cabin crew can provide different medical care to passengers

Customers: Emirates Airline

Abu Dhabi; Transport

Contractors: Parsys

Project date: 2025/03

Emirates began deploying next-generation telemedicine stations aboard its aircraft in 2025. Investments in the project amounted to more than $2.4 million, which made it possible to integrate equipment developed in conjunction with Parsys Telemedicine on aircraft. This became known in March 2025. According to the company, the equipment will enable flight attendants to provide primary medical care to passengers during the flight using digital technologies and operational communication with ground doctors.

Pioneering telemedicine equipment will be installed on 300 aircraft over the next few years, Emirates reports. The station is equipped with advanced technologies including high-definition video conferencing, remote passenger diagnostics, secure data transmission and ECG with 12 Telecardia LEDs.

Emirates deploys telemedicine equipment on planes so cabin crew can provide different medical care to passengers

The system, designed specifically for Emirates, is an integrated portable telemedicine station incorporating the Parsys Telemedicine kit and the Parsys Cloud cloud platform for data storage and transmission. The device allows flight attendants to record the necessary information and vital signs of passengers, which are then transmitted to the airline's ground medical service.

The kit includes various medical devices: a pulse oximeter, a thermometer, a blood pressure meter, a glucometer and an electrocardiogram recorder. A key feature of the system is the automatic transfer of passenger data to the MedCapture device via Bluetooth, which eliminates the need for manual notes.

MedCapture is a tablet with customized software that meets Emirates' healthcare standards. The interface is intuitive, which allows crew members to effectively use it even in difficult conditions. The tablet provides real-time communication with the ground medical support team, providing instant access to qualified consultations to assess the health of passengers.[1]
