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RISAR - Regional information system of monitoring of obstetric aid

Developers: Corus Consulting
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: Accounting systems

'The RISAR system was developed in 2008 by Corus Consulting with the assistance of ProgramBank company by request of the Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. System implementation in medical institutions of the region was complete in 2009. Results exceeded expectations – infantile and maternal death rate were reduced in a year in the region by 48%.'

RISAR gives the real chance to carry out monitoring of obstetric aid in all directions. In a system pregnancy registration, primary survey of future mother, determination of group of pregnancy on a risk degree are monitored. Having connected to RISAR, the doctor plans conducting pregnancy: the diagram of surveys, plans of inspections and analyses, controls passing of all necessary actions. Through RISAR there is a planning of childbirth — there will be they emergency or planned. A system contains all information on possible complications.

The single integrated information system RISAR can conditionally be separated into 3 levels: accounting (complete primary account on each pregnant woman is kept: history of observations, surveys, appointments and their executions and so forth); expert (automatic application of method of calculation of different risks, quality control mechanisms, the mechanism of a kuration of women, etc. is entered); analytical (the necessary reporting allowing to make necessary management decisions is prepared). A system gives unique opportunities on pregnancy control. "For example, if to the woman from risk group the necessary medications or inspections were not timely appointed, RISAR will automatically notify the curator of more top level and if in this case nothing is undertaken by doctors, the message will be sent on the most top level in the region. Thus, any woman observed using the RISAR system will not remain without control and timely medical care that is extremely important for decrease in probability of complications and the negative result of pregnancy" - the manager of projects of the Public Sector and Medicine direction Denis Chumakov tells.

RISAR is constructed on the basis of the client-server architecture. All information is in "uniform access point" — the central database under management DBMS Cache. Access to personal data of patients is provided only from the protected jobs connected to the protected network. Function of automatic notifications of participants of process of obstetric aid by the SMS and e-mail is implemented. The same SMS mechanism – notifications is used at desire and to pregnant women as an operational reminder of need of visit of the doctor, holding different procedures.

In February, 2011 Corus Consulting won the tender "The Best Medical Information System 2010". The organizer of tender - the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. A competition of developments in the field of informatization of health care "The best medical information system 2010" is held for the purpose of determination and encouragement of the innovative developments in the field of creation and application of modern information technologies in health care and medicine.