Customers: Kharkiv airport Contractors: Croc Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2011/01
The international Kharkiv airport opened the first terminal providing a passenger traffic to 1300 passengers per hour. 19 engineering and IT systems of a new complex are designed and implemented by specialists of CROC company.
Average remoteness of Kharkiv from the participating countries of the championship - 1300 km that does air traffic by a main type of transport which guests and participants of competitions will use. In normal time the new terminal is going to accept annually about 800 thousand passengers, during the European Football Championship it is expected up to 1.5 million human.
"The resonance of an event forces us to do everything possible for the organization of high-quality acceptance of participants and guests of this action. Today Kharkiv - the city of Ukraine which is most prepared for the European Football Championship. According to requirements of UEFA both the stadium, and the airport are already constructed here. By 2012 the airport is going to start 2 more terminals, thus, the general passenger traffic will reach 2500 passengers per hour. And the city will receive the high quality airport according to all modern standards", – Vladimir Vasilchenko, the CEO of the Kharkiv airport tells
"The modern airport is one of the most hi-tech enterprises in which work information and telecommunication technologies are the major component. It the new terminal of Kharkiv turned out. We tried to create technology infrastructure to provide to passengers and guests of the airport security and top-level comfortable conditions. It is sure, passengers will estimate it", – Zakhartsev Mikhail, the director of work with key customers of CROC company reports.
The created infrastructure of the building includes the engineering and technology systems, information communications system and an end-to-end system of security. In the terminal the video surveillance system is implemented, the data processing center, telecommunication network and many other things is constructed.