Customers: SNPR aileron of federal state unitary enterprise
Contractors: Parus Product: Parus EnterpriseProject date: 2007/03
In Federal State Unitary Enterprise Special Scientific and Production Association Eleron the first stage of the project of complex automation which began in last summer is completed. The Center of Corporate solutions Parus acts as the contractor. The implemented ERP system should replace the used earlier separated customized applications.
As customer representatives specify, "The management system PARUS was selected among a number of the similar systems, in particular, "1C: Enterprise 8.0", "M-3", Phenomenon. The procedure of the choice does not reveal (the tender, expert evaluation, etc.), however is told that existence of similar project experience at the Center of Corporate solutions Parus had a serious impact on the choice of Parus.
Now at the enterprise the first stage of the complex project is completed. According to representatives Aileron, 96 jobs are automated (this number is going to be doubled further). As for functional units, accounting of agreements (in the company more than 2,000 agreements a year are kept) is automated, the module "Purchase Management, Warehouse and Implementation" is implemented, the automated accounting of finished goods is adjusted, will deploy the module "Personnel Management and Staff List", adjustment of the module "Payroll" comes to the end. Also user training was provided.
At the second stage of implementation it is going to complete automation rather difficult, taking into account specifics of the enterprise, accounting. These works should be completed in July, 2007.