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Main CRM щик Microsoft handed over plans of the company to competitors


14.02.11, 14:14, Msk

The software giant Microsoft accused the former employee of theft of confidential documents which that allegedly stole, going on increase to rival firm.

Microsoft accused the former manager of plunder of hundreds of megabytes of confidential information of the company when he left firm and went for work to CRM - division of company.

the petition submitted to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, Microsoft claims that Matt Miszewski, the former market development manager of management team, lay about storage "a large amount of materials - 600 megabytes of information consisting of more than 900 separate files (it is estimated at 25000 pages)" own information of Microsoft company on the personal computer.

At the end of the last month Microsoft filed a lawsuit against Mitsevski for violation of the agreement on the competition and confidentiality when he employed the offer on transition as the senior vice president for the CRM direction to company by him. Then the court announced the temporary restraining order as which Mitsevski prohibited to work at or to make any actions breaking the competition and also to render services to the former clients.

Microsoft follows from the statement that on December 31, 2010, leaving, Mitsevski told that it took only the personal belongings. But later, according to rules of disclosure of information, it recovered documents which were stored there from a cache of memory of the personal computer.

Among the documents which are allegedly present on the Mitsevski computer there were algorithms of internal work and business plans connected with strategy and cloud computing of products and services of its group for 2011.

"[It] would be very valuable to competitors of Microsoft, including, as in terms of monetization of efforts of Microsoft on preparation of these materials, and identification of parts actually of competitive strategy of Microsoft", said in the petition.

Microsoft added that Mitsevski: "It is lightweight understands obligations of confidentiality", and his employment in threatens Microsoft with "the actual and essential damage".

In the markets of CRM and cloud computing of Microsoft and are rivals. Microsoft, for example, last month announced the special price for clients of on service in the Dynamics CRM Online system ready to pass to it.

Before firm already met in court. In 2010 they submitted the counter legal claims speaking about patent violations, but settled questions before judicial listenings. Then the companies made the decision on prolongation of patent cover each other.

This claim of Microsoft was a step to conversion of the temporary restraining order to the long-term injunction which will continue to limit Mitsevski opportunity for work on "There are no bases to believe that Mitsevski will be able to cope with the new role in without use of an extensive confidential information of Microsoft, and he already proved explicit neglect as in failure from observance of obligations to non-competitive behavior, and concerning confidentiality of materials of Microsoft", said in the statement of the company.

Mitsevski did not answer requests for comments, and policy of – not to comment on a lawsuit. Microsoft also refused further comments.