Remote Learning Product Provider. These are interactive and easy-to-see courses created using the latest information technologies, which allows you to effectively complete training without the participation of a teacher. The main advantages of such training are the availability of educational materials 24 hours a day 365 days a year, the possibility of conducting classes in accordance with the individual schedule and the needs of the student, regardless of his geographical location, as well as the possibility of repeating the educational material to consolidate the knowledge received and their subsequent verification.
+ SkillSoft
2021: Purchase of Codecademy Developer Course Platform for $525 Million
At the end of December 2021, digital learning company Skillsoft announced a deal worth $525 million to acquire the online platform. formations Codecademy The buyer will pay for the transaction with cash (40%) and his shares (60%). It is planned to close it in the first half of 2022. More here.