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The reporting "in a new way" started in Sverdlovsk region

Customers: Ministry of Health of Sverdlovsk region

Contractors: SKB Kontur
Product: Kontur-Personal Meditsina
На базе: Kontur-Personal

Project date: 2011/09

In 2008 the law canceling a former wage system in budgetary institutions and entering the new principles of formation of wage fund according to the qualification levels (QL) and the professional qualification groups (PQG) was adopted. Medical institutions of Sverdlovsk region were obliged to pass to a new wage system till December 1, 2010 and on 2011 to calculate wage fund according to a new system. Also till December 1, 2010 each organization was obliged to sign with the workers supplementary agreements about compensation change.

The management of Health care of Yekaterinburg recommended to use the Kontur-Personal Meditsina program for preparation of the reporting.

The program is developed taking into account all federal and regional laws. Here the new grid of salaries on PKG and KU is implemented, all allowances, special experiences, forms of tariff lists (including the code) for federal and regional institutions are considered. In a system the possibility of unloading of the health workers given in the federal register is also implemented.

Among the organizations which successfully handed over the reporting – the Central City Hospital No. 6, the Sverdlovsk regional clinical psychoneurological hospital for veterans of wars, the Central City Hospital No. 14, the Central City Hospital No. 20, etc.