Customers: Ferrero Russiya (Ferrero)
Contractors: TopS BI Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2008/05 - 2011/03
The TopS Business Integrator company (TopS BI) implemented the large-scale project on creation of IT infrastructure of the plant of the international company "Ferrero".
In anticipation of
In May, 2008 the management of Group made the decision on construction of the Russia's first own factory in Sobinsky district of the Vladimir region. So large-scale project required strong support from IT and use of modern approaches in creation of infrastructure of the new enterprise. At the enterprise it was necessary to create the end-to-end system of management and the consolidated information processing integrating computing, engineering and communications systems. The TopS BI company was attracted to the solution of this difficult complex of tasks.
The team of specialists of Ferrero and TopS BI solved a complex of problems and created the optimal IT infrastructure satisfying business needs. The project included creation of a complex of engineering infrastructure for two data processing centers (DPC), creation of a telecommunication core, deployment of the WiFi-data network and voice on all warehouse complex, production and offices.
In parallel with construction of the enterprise design and implementation of all elements of engineering infrastructure - power supply, conditioning, physical component placement of DPC, physical security, fire protection and cable infrastructure was performed.
Fault tolerance
On the plant site two failsafe and scalable data processing centers are constructed. The flexible policy of backup by fault tolerance is implemented at the level of SCS. In case of break of the channel, de-energization, flooding of one of the centers or failure of one of switches loading is shifted to other DPC and other switch (the reserve DPC undertakes functions of IT infrastructure of the first DPC). Creation of infrastructure of both DPCs is performed according to the best world practices and the leading standards.
Network infrastructure is constructed according to the project recommended by equipment manufacturer (Cisco). It represents the high-performance, scalable, failsafe infrastructure providing access both to local and to global information resources of the company. Special attention at creation of network infrastructure was paid to ensuring wireless access. For the solution of this task the infrastructure providing a radio covering of production, warehouse and office complexes and also access to a LAN of various client devices such as workstations, terminals, wireless telephones was unrolled.
The project team of TopS BI prepared the telecommunication platform that both territorially separated platforms performed further among themselves data exchange in real time. Directly integration was implemented by specialists of Ferrero company.
Experience of implementation of difficult infrastructure projects and deep understanding of the business objectives facing our company was key criterion in the choice of the partner. TopS BI completely conforms to all our requirements. Our partner implemented the difficult, volume project — Alexander Shumskikh, the Chief information officer of Ferrero Russiya company noted |
At design and creation of DPC not only the complete satisfaction of the current functional demands of the new enterprise, but also a possibility of development of a system according to the growing requirements of business was the important requirement of Ferrero. With respect thereto all elements were constructed taking into account perspective of increase in power – beginning directly from configuration of premises of DPC and a system design of uninterrupted power supply of the equipment in DPC, finishing SCS channels and switches. Thus, the development strategy of new factory got support at the level of creation of information infrastructure, - Dmitry Kondratyev, the vice president for sales and development of TopS BI company comments |