In February, 2011 the video surveillance systems released by the German company GEUTEBRÜCK successfully underwent certification in Cross-industry special training center of State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom". Such certification certifies that the system which underwent it can be applied on the Russian nuclear objects.
The Cross-industry Special Training Center (CISTC) is located in Obninsk situated near Moscow. He conducts executive training and specialists for nuclear sector and also is engaged in standardization and certification of the equipment and the security systems applied in this sphere. Thanks to cooperation with the American partner MSUTs is training center of a world class. "We have a rich arsenal of technical means of training, own training grounds on which in the conditions as close as possible to real, tens of samples of the most modern security systems work", - the director of the center Yury Barabanov says.
Clients of the center are the leading Russian and foreign equipment manufacturers. Usually they provide a small amount of the products for certification. However the GEUTEBRÜCK company in 2010 transferred in MSUTs for testing and certification almost complete line of the equipment for video surveillance systems released by it. In addition to documentation in Russian on all separate components and on the whole video surveillance systems, the company provided huge volumes of operational data and proofs that she undertakes severe measures on quality control of the products to the center.
Just in 2010 laboratories and test capacities of the center were expanded and re-equipped with the new equipment opening ample opportunities on carrying out electromagnetic, climatic, mechanical and functional tests. The new systems undergo testing here in the conditions close to what they will get on nuclear objects.