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Phishers could bypass the systems of protection in Firefox and Chrome

18.03.11, 16:23, Msk

The final round of phishing attacks concerning clients of the Bank of America and PayPal bypassed the protection against fraud which is built in browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome by accession of HTML-files to spam mail.

According to the researcher of M86 Rodel Mendrez, locally saved file opens a web form which collects data of logins of clients, credit card numbers and other confidential information, and then the request uses POST to send them to PHP-applications on the legal websites which were cracked. Avoiding use of more menacing GET of requests and the known phishing websites, swindle is completely executed under observation of functions of protection against fraud in browsers.[1]

"While POST a request transferred information to the remote phishing server, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox did not detect any harmful actions, – R. Mendrez writes. – The phishing campaigns lasting for many months remain unnoticed so it seems that this tactics is rather effective".

Tactics is similar to that which M86 announced last month – then the self-extracting archive was implemented in phishing messages and also the cracked legal websites were used to bypass anti-phishing protection.