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Ivanchenko Sergey Nikolaevich


Ivanchenko Sergey Nikolaevich
Ivanchenko Sergey Nikolaevich

Was born on May 10, 1959 the village of Muravyevka of the Tambov district of the Amur region. In 1981 graduated from Mechanical faculty of the Khabarovsk polytechnical institute majoring in "Construction and road machines". Candidate of Technical Sciences – 1985 (Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute). The Doctor of Engineering – 1997 (the Sankt-Peterbursky state technical university). 1986-1993 – the teacher, the senior teacher, the associate professor "Construction and road machines". 1997 – the head of the department "Construction and road machines". 1998 – the vice rector for study. Since 2002 till present – the rector of TOGU. Main directions of scientific activity:

* mechanics of the condensed materials; * methods of formation of highly effective operating parts of the condensing machines.

The author more than 100 scientific works in the field of mechanics of the condensed materials, creations of road machines and technologies of consolidation of road-building materials.