Customers: Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise Sochi; Housing and public utilities, service and household services Contractors: Intellectika Product: DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2011/03
System implementation was performed by the certified partner of DocsVision company, Intellectika company.
Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise is service provider on heat supply and hot water supply in the city of Sochi. At the end of 2010 the management of Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise made the decision on automation of internal document flow and business process optimization of the enterprise. Need for storage and document handling in electronic form, a possibility of quick search of documents and also control of performing discipline at the enterprise was the reason.
During the project in Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise the DocsVision platform of version 4.5 was implemented, specialists of Intellectika company configured the applications "Office-work", "Process management" and also business processes "Archiving of documents" and "Substitution of employees" are created. System implementation of DocsVision 4.5 was performed within two weeks.
Gvozdev A.G., head of department of office-work: "Use of DocsVision increased document flow speed in Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise – a system allows us to work with all entering and outgoing documents, orders and memos. Each employee working at the automated workplace got access, according to the powers, to uniform bank of electronic documents that considerably facilitated search of the necessary documents; we ceased to face duplication and loss of documents. Besides, it should be noted increase in transparency of control of the tasks charged to employees".
Oganyants Yury, director of work with corporate clients of Intellectika company: "In modern economic conditions Customers want to receive fast and most effective result for the fixed budget and in short terms. Considering these requirements, we created the ready-made solution "Modern Office-work" constructed based on the DocsVision system which corresponds to the majority of basic requirements of work with documents of clerks. We adapted this solution and implemented in Sochiteploenergo Municipal Unitary Enterprise and achieved results, priority for the Customer".