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AMD enticed the vice president of HP


22.03.11, 12:44, Msk

Trying to compensate a lead over Intel, AMD updated a command top mendzherov and enticed one of vice presidents of HP.

The AMD company on Monday stated that former it is a manager of HPMike Wolfe is employed as the CIO (CIO).

Volf will be responsible for management of global technology infrastructure of AMD, said in the official statement of his new employer. At the same time Wolf will submit directly to Thomas Seifert who is a chief executive of AMD and the director of finance.

The last five years Volf held a post of the vice president for IT of HP. Before it worked in Motorola and Freescale Semiconductor companies. "Volf's experience will allow us to strengthen own technology infrastructure based on our products and platforms", - Seifert commented.

It is possible to tell that to AMD and HP now quits as in August, 2009 employed HP the former Chief information officer of AMD Ahmed Mahmoud to a position of the vice president for information technologies.

For the last several months of AMD updated the command: the main goal of staff movements consists in strengthening positions of the company in relation to the main competitor – Intel – both in the server market, and in the market of personal computers.

Was engaged in AMD in search of the new chief executive after Dirk Meyer leaving in January. In February of this year two more top managers of the company – the executive vice president Bob Rivet and the vice president for corporate strategy Marty Seyer, also left the posts.

Recently AMD seriously reduced a share in the market of processors for benefit of Intel as in a segment of servers, and PC. Intel based on four quarters years occupied by the 2010th a share of 80.8% in comparison with 80.5% in the 2009th year, according to IDC. AMD share for the comparable period decreased from 19.5% to 18.9%.

AMD revenue according to the results of all 2010 made $6.49 billion. In comparison with 2009 the indicator grew by 20%. Net profit increased by 55% to $471 million, profit on primary activity - for 28% to $848 million.