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Penalties of the Russian companies for illegal software grew to $2.5 million


31.03.11, 14:06, Msk

In spite of the fact that the volume of the unlicensed software used in Russia remains very high, last year the companies had to pay 40% more penalties: now to such violations special attention.

The association of Software makers of BSA published given for 2010 on expenses of the Russian companies on settlement of the relations with owners in connection with illegal use of the software (S).

They made more than 75.8 million rubles (more than $2.48 million) that is 40% more, than in 2009 (54 million rubles). The amount of the largest compensation paid by the Russian company according to the decision of arbitration court in 2010 was more than 2 million rubles.

According to Ekaterina Gromova, the chairman of the Russian committee of BSA, the gain of similar payments notes most of producers. At the same time, according to her, the level of use of the unlicensed software remains rather high including among the organizations.

"Many enterprises still underestimate risks which are born by the company and its management in case of use of non-licensed software products in a business activity. Annually via the website we receive more than two hundred messages about illegal use of the software of participants of BSA at this or that enterprise", - Gromova explained.

If information is confirmed, it, eventually, leads to essential finance costs for the enterprise and to convictions for its management.

Proper copyright protection and suppression of violations of intellectual property rights is a priority for the Russian government. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, from January to November, 2010 staff of bodies of internal affairs revealed 5890 crimes connected with violation of copyright and related rights from them 4395 crimes are investigated and 3179 criminal cases were taken to court.

Such policy, according to Alexey Cherny, the coordinator of the BSA program in Russia, already led to high-quality changes. For example, last year criminal case against the large international company upon illegal use of software was for the first time brought. Relevant organs and in St. Petersburg became more active.

Despite a number of differences of law-enforcement practice in Russia and the European countries, risks of the enterprises using the non-licensed software are in many respects similar. First of all it concerns financial risks. For 2010 in EMEA region (Europe, the Middle East, Africa) spent more than $17.56 million for settlement of the relations with owners of the company, and the largest compensation in the region made more than $287 thousand.