Customers: Finstroyalyans Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/03
Automation of personnel records of Finstroyalyans construction company is carried out using specialists of "1C:VDGB" and the 1C: Payroll and HR Management software product (1C: Payroll and HR Management 8) on a modern technology platform 1C:Enterprise 8.
The choice of 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 software product by Finstroyalyans company was caused by the fact that this configuration is the solution, ready to work, in which requirements of the legislation, real practice of work of the enterprises and global trends in development of methods of motivation and personnel management are considered.
Using the implemented solution 1C in Finstroyalyans construction company the following directions of a management and accounting activity are automated:
- requirements planning in personnel;
- solving of tasks of ensuring business by the personnel — selection, questioning and assessment;
- management of competences, training, employee assessments;
- management of financial motivation of personnel;
- effective planning of employment of personnel;
- registration of personnel and analysis of personnel structure;
- charge and salary payment;
- calculation of the taxes and contributions on wage fund regulated by the legislation;
- reflection of the accrued payroll and taxes in costs of the enterprise.
In addition to the main functionality, 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 configuration contains the mechanism of accounting of use of working time with support of correction of a worked time manually, hourly absences and also diagrams of the reduced working time. The subsystem of personnel records allows:
- store personal data on employees of the enterprise;
- the service information (division, a position, quantity of the occupied rates);
- register promotion of the worker in the enterprise, business trips;
- consider holidays of workers, control their actual use.
Now the client of Finstroyalyans LLC is on information and technology support of 1C (1S: ITS).
Source: website "1C:VDGB"