Customers: Clinic No. 3 of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation Moscow; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Technoserv Product: SCS projects and wireless network infrastructureProject date: 2011/03
The Technoserv company, the Russian system integrator, announced creation of complex corporate network for Clinic No. 3 of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation.
The network was created within the general reconstruction of the enterprise. It covers the main 12-storey building of clinic and two additional body, including the building of Ambulance, says Technoserv. Within the contract Technoserv executed a full range of works on creation of information infrastructure of the enterprise, since development of the project documentation and finishing with commissioning of all system.
Within the project the uniform universal multiservice data transmission system and communications for ensuring functioning of modern specialized information systems of the customer was created. A system includes uniform IP network based on which subsystems of WiFi-access, the IP telephony, video surveillance, a data transmission system with a possibility of prioritizing of traffic of subscribers according to the approved parameters of service quality and hierarchy are unrolled. The core of a system is located in the specialized server room equipped with systems: regular power supply, automatic gas fire fighting, climatic providing and control.
"In six months the Technoserv company in all territory of Clinic No. 3 Federal State Institution of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation created "turnkey" a multiservice data network. The complex corresponds to creation modularity that provides a possibility of easy scaling and accumulation of capacities. At a system design such parameters as high reliability, simplicity in service and administration and also minimization of further operating costs of the enterprise were considered" — Pilipchuk Alexey, the technical director of Technoserv integrator told.
"We were faced by a task to construct the system intended for ensuring effective work of all our employees on the basis of the new technologies and the equipment meeting the modern requirements — Smirnov Mikhail, the head of information technology of Clinic No. 3 Federal State Institution of UDP Russian Federation noted. — Today IT technologies in many respects facilitate work of personnel, help interaction with insurance companies and other partners and also create additional conditions for ensuring comfort and convenience of patients at visit of clinic".