Customers: FALB Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Galaxy Ukraine Product: Galaktika ExpressНа базе: Galaktika ERP Project date: 2011/03
Working in the large pharmaceutical companies to me long time was necessary to be reconciled with the fact that selecting the Galaktika ERP as an accounting system in a warehouse and from office, it is necessary to select something from drugstores cheaper. Maybe emergence of Galaktiki Express will correct a situation? Let's try.
We will automate "from scratch" network of 3 drugstores, at first the main drugstore which except a retail outlet will execute still a role of office. We will be engaged in the others later, having fulfilled all nuances and having trained personnel. Our choice – Galaktika Express of SRV based on Pervasive.SQL (we will postpone a question of official technical support, we will not work at full capacity yet). Let's begin according to the textbook – with filling of directories: with divisions and the organizations everything is very simple, and here in the MTs directory we concentrate all features of pharmaceutical work. Specifics of medicines such is that conformable and similar descriptions of goods can significantly will cause a stir therefore to be insured from errors at sale we will use barcodes. Also for convenience of work of any pharm. the enterprises the code of the Morion is necessary for each MTs (the universal reference book lek. means), having them we can easily import goods receipt notes, price lists of suppliers and to do many reports for inspection bodies. Having finished with barcodes and codes of the Morion, we should provide compliance of our reference book to the current legislation, namely: let's put down the maximum percent of the retail allowance goods from "The national list" (resolution KMU No. 333) and the minimum normative stock for goods from "The minimum range" (orders MOZ of Ukraine No. 569, 785).
We have no warehouse therefore we will use the module "Retail". All necessary in work is there: Card of accounting of goods, Goods receipt notes, Delivery notes on implementation. A bit later, having dealt with the principle of work of Galaktika, we will create "A workplace of the user" from the main points of Retail, we will add Price lists (own at us not yet, there will be proposals of suppliers), "Accounts of DO on purchase" (it will be our supplier orders) and our "external" applications.
Let's facilitate life to our drugstore – thanks to lack of a warehouse at us the plate of tekmc, data from which can be taken out easily in the interface of the MTs Directory a configurator, was free. Let's write a small applet (it is possible just a BAT file which will start "direct SQL" – asql.exe with requests necessary to us), which will fill out the plate of tekmc with data on a goods expense in a month and to calculate quantity for the order proceeding from an expense and the current remaining balance. Such simple step will allow the supply manager to see all movement of goods and the quantity offered to purchase in the MTs Directory.
Is couple of problems with a workplace at the checkout: first, even most simplified interface of the delivery note on implementation causes difficulties in people with weak skills of work on the computer, secondly, our least exacting version to resources on Pervasive.SQL not especially hurries during the work on the outdated computers standing on the checkout. Let's write one more applet which, using a remaining balance of goods in retail trade, itself will create delivery notes on implementation and to conduct a holiday on barcodes, and, we will limit "front-line worker" only to correction of quantity – as in supermarket. As a result what we have for today:
- Goods receipt notes are imported (process delays the entering control of barcodes since they gradually change, and some Ukrainian producers in general treat them "halturno")
- The goods are regarded according to settings of the module "Retail" (with restriction of a margin by order of KMU, see above)
- Goods issue is conducted on barcodes.
- Automatic calculation of necessary goods quantity, for the supplier order.
In plans for the near future:
- Implement an accounting minimum: Declaration VAT (+ Dodatki), debt to suppliers.
- Load price lists of suppliers and separate the request according to the most convenient offers (not only the price, but also a payment deferral).
- The Vestie the price list (the holiday on a retail remaining balance is conducted at present, i.e. each batch has the price).
- Be engaged in implementation of the remained drugstores.
- In far perspective it is going to transfer all external completions to interfaces of Galaktika.
The customer, in general, is happy with implementation – he received the operable budget solution and a possibility of growth in any direction. Notes concern nonideal work of external applications and, the lack of experience at employees of cash desk negatively affects.