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Баннер в шапке 2

The Mayak group implemented technology of management of licenses

Customers: Mayak, Group

Light industry

Contractors: Webzavod

Project date: 2011/03

Before implementation of technology of management of licenses in Mayak Group questions of software installation were not always properly controlled. There was no uniform centralized scheme of accounting of software and planning of its acquisition. Besides, in the company specialized software (CAD) is used. All this in a complex led to complication of management of branched IT infrastructure, irrational use of labor and financial resources on its service and development.[1]

"We needed to gain complete idea of the program and hardware components of IT infrastructure used in corporation, - Mikhail Shulpin, the chief executive of Mayak Group tells. - Optimization of the used software set in strict accordance with the business challenges solved in each workplace and in each division and also at the enterprise in general was the purpose of the subsequent analysis of the acquired information. Besides, it was necessary to define accurately ways of further development and increase in efficiency of functioning of IT infrastructure".

The technology of management of licenses was ideal for a business IT component output to new level, and effectively organized and technological licensing of the software excluded legal risks. Besides, it turned out that using this technology it is simpler to use corporate programs of licensing which are offered by Microsoft. Thus, the management of Mayak Group it was decided to perform a complex of necessary measures using support of Webzavod system integrator.

"Having spent for inventory several weeks and attracting to it all structure of division of IT, you begin to understand that data retrieveds already became outdated and all is time to start anew. Inventory turns into the slow, tiresome and ungrateful work which is constantly requiring attraction of forces and means which are torn off from primary activity", – Mikhail Shulpin noted. Really, manual control of purchase and operation of the software requires big costs of time and is ineffective. Having realized it, IT specialists of Mayak Group in the recommendation of experts of Webzavod first of all decided to begin the automated inventory process. It significantly reduced time of inventory of software (several hours instead of several weeks) and allowed to have the complete list of all programs used on any computer of corporate network in real time. In particular, automatic inventory showed what programs the staff of management company uses for work and what – for entertainment. In the report all programs which are not promoting effective activity of the company were specified.

At the second stage standardization of the equipment was carried out. Existence of the unified jobs significantly reduces terms of the analysis of summary information and problem solving. On each of jobs it was necessary to carry out the analysis of the software and to draw conclusions on its compatibility and need of its existence.

As a result of the first two stages of implementation by specialists of Webzavod the standardized set of the necessary software in a company performance was offered. For this set the procedure of purchase, operation of software and write-off of unnecessary software was fulfilled. Thus, as a result of work on implementation in Mayak company will reach the third – rationalized, the SAM level. Transition to the highest, fourth, dynamic level is in the long term possible. As a result of holding actions for management of licenses the standard of information infrastructure of Mayak Group was developed. The technology of management of licenses became an important part of a complex of corporate regulations and rules. It should be noted that the most important aspect of use of SAM technology is operational tracking of the non-licensed software that allows to avoid penalties which can reach the considerable amounts. In addition in a work progress the distributed system of payments which optimum corresponds to specifics of activity of the company and is represented to the most convenient and profitable was offered the management of Mayak Group of specialists of Webzavod.