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Software AG Cloud Ready

Developers: Software AG
Last Release Date: April, 2011
Technology: Cloud Computing,  SOA

The Software AG company completed the next development stage of the complex cloud strategy, having presented a new solution of Software AG Cloud Ready. It includes modeling and process management, the service-oriented architecture (SOA) and cloud integration. Software AG Cloud Ready which will become available in the third quarter 2011 is designed so that to help specialists from business and IT quicker and to cooperate with smaller costs over transformation of processes.

The solution Software AG Cloud Ready includes design and determination of strategy of business processes, process management, integration and change management in a cloud. Users of webMethods BPMS, SOA and products for integration have an opportunity to implement development environments, testings and productions in a cloud, reducing thereby products output terms to the market and providing dynamic planning. Users of ARIS receive functionality for cooperation on programs of transformation of business processes at stages of their design, simulation modeling, the publication and monitoring. The combination of webMethods and ARIS helps to integrate IT and business for the fastest strategic success in the scale of all enterprise.

The solution Software AG Cloud Ready also allows the companies to cooperate within a full stroke of improvement of processes from determination of strategy and design before implementation and implementation and also monitoring and debugging for continual improvement. The solution also provides abilities to manage within all lifecycle, guaranteeing that changes of processes and systems are reliably planned with the complete analysis of effects and estimates which are carried out within change management. Software AG Cloud Ready ensures the greatest possible cooperation and joint work, reduces project duration and reduces the aggregate value of innovations.

Software AG Cloud Ready helps clients to receive return from cloud computing in three directions:

  • Using new platforms, including Amazon EC2 and VMware, for the products ARIS and webMethods
  • Allowing clients to use a combination of cloud and stationary integration and process solutions to support of hybrid placements
  • Providing integration of software set on computers of the company, and others to solutions SaaS, for example, Salesforce, Workday and Google and also management by them.

For ensuring success of cloud initiatives Software AG offers a combination of software, services and industry expertize on behalf of consultants of the company. These services of Cloud Ready include expanded preparation, strategy determination, digitization and the analysis of processes taking into account enterprise-wide cloud requirements that provides soft junction to cloud solutions.

  • The solution Software AG Cloud Ready provides flexibility of placement with hybrid support of public and private "clouds", including with installation on computers of the company
  • Software AG provides possibilities of the greatest possible cooperation and joint work
  • Software AG supports integration and management of cloud solutions
  • We offer consulting services of "Cloud Ready"
  • The products webMethods and ARIS will become available in a cloud in the third quarter 2011.