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Oracle did not cope with OpenOffice


18.04.11, 13:22, Msk

Oracle refused sales of commercial versions of the Open Office applications: apparently, the company did not cope with plans of monetization of the project open source. This solution can change style of relationship between open-source the and LibreOffice projects. Nevertheless, the company retains interest in Linux and MySQL.

The Oracle company announced the refusal from sales of commercial versions of office applications of Open Office. According to the statement of vendor, there is a project open source, really public project open source" will be reformed in ".

On behalf of the company the chief architect of Oracle Edward Screven said in the statement: "Considering interest in the free applications increasing performance and fast development of technologies of personal calculations we consider that the project will be better controlled the organization focused on service of wide audience on a nonprofit basis".

Oracle "immediately will begin work with associates for further development of success of Open Office", Skreven noted, having emphasized that the company will continue support of such standards as ODF (Open Document Format).

Skreven confirmed also the interest of Oracle in other technology projects open source, such as Linux and MySQL. "Oracle is interested in Linux and MySQL as both of these products won a broad base for implementation among commercial and state customers", - he told.

The solution of Oracle on failure of sales of commercial versions of Open Office pushes on an output that the company meets difficulties of implementation of the licenses Open Office since purchased Sun Microsystems which sells the software under the name Star Office.

In the light of the events not clear is a future of the product Cloud Office announced recently by the company. Oracle does not extend to this subject, and links to the corresponding products are deleted from the website of the company.

Not clearly also, how solutions of Oracle will affect such branches of a basis of the code as LibreOffice from Document Foundation is the organization which arose last year against the background of concern about how Oracle communicated with associates of

Before Document Foundation among which supporters Google and Red Hat, asked Oracle to take part in work of the organization and to provide a brand name for development of

Neither representatives of group, nor Oracle company reacted to a request to comment on this event.