Implementation of software 1C: Accounting in "the Moscow Regional Building industry Enterprise"
Customers: Moscow Regional Enterprise Building Industry (MREBI) Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/04
Using implementation of the software product 1C: Accounting 8 is successfully complete automation of accounting and tax accounting at the Moscow Regional Building Industry Enterprise ("MRBIE") that allowed to increase transparency of document flow and efficiency of preparation of the reporting.
The choice of the program 1C: Accounting 8 is caused by the fact that this configuration provides the solution of all tasks facing accounting service of the enterprise allows to implement any scheme of accounting and can be used as it is autonomous, and together with other program components.
By means of implementation of the standard solution 1C: Accounting 8 in MRPS LLC are automated following a fate of accounting and tax accounting:
- settlings with the organizations and advance holders;
- personnel records;
- settlings with personnel on compensation;
- calculations for income tax;
- lot-based accounting;
- conducting accounting and tax accounting of business activities of several organizations in one information base;
- trade and currency transactions;
- material accounting, goods, products;
- cost accounting and cost accounting;
- operations on cash desk and bank;
- settlings with suppliers and buyers;
- fixed asset accounting and intangible assets;
- calculations for the VAT;
- the regulated reporting;
- tax accounting.
The 1C: Accounting 8 program is easily integrated with other subsystems. Information on separate types of activity, trade and production operations, also the employees who are not accountants can enter now. The accounting service has only the methodical management and control of the settings of information base providing automatic reflection of documents in accounting and tax accounting.
Implementation of 1C is carried out to Moscow Regional Building Industry Enterprise LLC without significant configuration changes 1C: Enterprise Accounting. Specialists of 1C:VDGB company showed program capabilities, installation and elementary education of users to work with the software solution is performed. At the moment the client is on information and technology support.
Source: website "1C:VDGB"