Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Lukichyov Andrey Viktorovich


Liftproyekt of SPB LLC
Deputy general director of Liftproyekt of SPB LLC

Previous jobs:
21 State sea range
Chief of laboratory of TM-measurements and operational information processing
Personnel management during the work on result

21 State sea range
Nachalink of measuring point
Personnel management during the work on result

21 State sea range
Senior engineer of SEV
Binding the Cypress, Jasmin, issue of a grid of frequencies on starting positions of ballistic and cruise missiles
Station agent of radar station
Carrying out and processing of VTI at start of BR, KR and KA
Lukichyov Andrey Viktorovich
Lukichyov Andrey Viktorovich

Misters! I can be useful!