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Red Hat: Microsoft and VMware – enemies of "cloud" interaction


05.05.11, 15:14, Msk

Technologies on the basis of open architectures will save "cloud" from closeness, they already prepare for issue, Red Hat reports, in passing announcing the competitors enemies of interoperational compatibility.

Microsoft and VMware enemies of interoperational compatibility and only the open source software can save "clouds" from closeness. Making speeches against patent technologies, Red Hat as the supplier of separate and public cloud solutions with the open code, wants that customers believed in it.

On Wednesday at the summit in Boston the vice president for products and Red Hat technologies Paul Cormier said: "We changed the world", derided "The cloud bill of the rights" of VMware and its statement warning clients against cycling on specific products.

"I was convinced recently: more than 90% of products at the enterprises are also far from open source code systems as our friends in Redmond", - Kormye told. Got from it and Microsoft for her contradictory expressions "for and against" Linux and also open source code systems which the company allowed for many years.

One of favourite arguments Red Hat is the fact that according to her, products of the company allow to use any combination of tools: virtualization VMware with Red Hat Linux or it is possible Windows with virtualization Red Hat and a middle software (middleware). Microsoft and VMware it do not allow as have no open architecture. However it, first of all, asks about how products Microsoft and VMware can be integrated with Red Hat if they are not open.

"It is an interaction riddle, - the analyst notes IDC Gin Jean Bozman. - It works in both directions. Microsoft can tell too that it has a certain interoperational compatibility with Novell Linux. But the industries are pleasant battles between suppliers and products".

Then Red Hat announced CloudForms – "the software for creation and management of hybrid cloud infrastructure - as - service (IaaS) which it is possible to unroll and operate applications in network of heterogeneous physical servers, virtualization platforms and also other clouds". It is so told in the description of the product of the same name of the Red Hat trademark.

CloudForms "facilitates to users setup and management of difficult multilevel applications, unlike need to manage independently a large number of virtual servers", Red Hat states. After setup these applications can be unrolled, managed and moved between different clouds, environments of virtualization and "empty" servers.

Suppliers of clouds of Amazon, IBM and NTT Communications are supported. Each of them supports virtualization of Red Hat and VMware. Now CloudForms works in the mode of the beta and will be available by the end of 2011.

Also Red Hat published OpenShift – the on-line platform - as - service (PaaS). This offer allows developers to create and place applications in Red Hat infrastructure. Service is a competitor of Windows Azure, is created as a result of acquisition of Red Hat of Makara company, complementing it with the JBoss tools and other software from Red Hat. It provides support of Ruby, Rails, Python, Java, PHP, MySQL and many other. As told Red Hat, OpenShift "redefines the PaaS market, offering developers the new level of the choice of languages, workflows and clouds for creation, testing, start and management of applications".

OpenShift prepares for an exit in the beta today and now works over Amazon EC2.

Recent falling of Amazon focuses attention to need to provide stabler technologies of corporate "cloud". Not only Red Hat works on this problem, Bozman told, having mentioned also VMware and IBM. Public "clouds" are good generally for storage of files and application development, but can not conform to crucial standards of many organizations. "When you begin to use the corporate accuracy of IT, security is important, agreements on the service level (SLA) are very important, availability is also important", - she told.

Red Hat will not crush under itself the market, but first of all focus of the company - on Linux, the analyst emphasized. Linux works at any architecture. "It works for ARM, it works for RISC, it works for Itanium, it works on mainframes. To developers, in particular, in "clouds", the fact that Linux works at everything will be important", - she told.

One of tasks in giving to developers the chance to write applications in their programming language, without worrying about what infrastructure under all this. But only one vendor is not enough for ensuring all necessary interoperational interaction, Bozman considers. The multilevel openness, including operating systems, the middleware and API is necessary.

Corporate clients "have Linux, Windows, mainframes, Unix servers", Bozman noted. The question is in how it everything is intelligible to explain and reduce all this together in cloud computing.