The hardware and software system "Nakhodka SUO" is the solution of a task of optimization of flow control of visitors increasing efficiency and convenience of work of the organization.
A system consists of technical components:
- 1. The information booth (the touch terminal of the choice of services and printing of number coupons with a thermal printer).
- 2. The attendant workstation consisting from: information display of the operator (optionally); working PC of the operator.
- 3. Central board: plasma or a LCD panel, a LED board for information output about a status of queue and an output of an additional video series.
- 4. The audio system for the notification of visitors.
Systems capabilities:
1. Management of receive modes of visitors according to the adopted regulations: automatic distribution of visitors between specialists of one queue, or creation of separate queue on each specialist, a possibility of the statement of coupons only on active specialists, etc.
2. Flexible and convenient configuration of all parameters of a system:
- Adding, editing and removal of users of a system, including the indication of a position, differentiation of the access level, a task of a workplace (office), installation of the queues serviced by the specialist and other settings.
- Editing diagram of acceptance of visitors.
- Possibility of service by one specialist of several queues and one queue several specialists.
- An opportunity to quickly change structure and names of queues, a task of an individual operation mode of each of queues, grouping of queues for simplification of navigation in the information booth, etc.
- Task of parameters of acceptance of visitors.
- Flexible configuration of appearance of the central board: a design, a display mode, a task of one or several creeping lines, an output of static text blocks, the information booth, information printed on the coupon.
- Control of the issued and fulfilled coupons.
3. Maintaining detailed statistics on the written-out and fulfilled coupons:
- on load of specialists;
- on the average time of acceptance by each of specialists;
- on a downtime of specialists;
- on waiting time of a call visitors (average, minimum and maximum waiting time of visitors in queue in cuts of specialists, queues, in general on the organization, for different periods is calculated).
4. A possibility of the analysis of statistics by means of informative reports.
5. Possibility of additional informing visitors by different methods:
- creeping line on the central board (can be a little);
- the static text on the central board;
- the additional text on the printed coupon of visitors;
- audio-and the videos reproduced in the set intervals and with the set frequency.
A system is simple in installation and initial setup server and client software modules, does not require specialized preparation.
Nakhodka SUO is implemented in public institutions of several regions of Russia: Belgorod, Kirov, Novosibirsk, Penza and Yaroslavl regions, Kamchatka Krai, etc.