Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Integrics x1
Developers: Integriks
Date of the premiere of the system: 27.08.2009
Last Release Date: 13.05.2011
Technology: Development tools of applications

Integrics x1 platform

Using x1 you will be able to create a common information space in scales of the region or the industry within which:
1. Construct the uniform industry (regional) management system for the normative reference information (NRI) containing relevant registers and reference books;
2. Provide the regulated collecting of any information (primary data, indicators, documents, multimedia files, etc.) using the centralized, distributed and mixed scheme and to organize a geographically distributed accounting system and activity automation;
3. Organize in each organization data entry manually or to automatically load information from external files and applications;
4. Organize at the level of organizations using x1 activity automation;
5. Exercise control of implementation of automation at the level of organizations, including - to obtain operational state-of-health data of providing information by each organization;
6. Carry out information analysis on separate organization, group of organizations or the industry in general taking into account access rights of users and requirements of information security;
7. Use the standard (in advance developed) forms of the reporting for the analysis or to use the designer of reports, allowing to build quickly necessary selections and to use space data analysis (OLAP);
8. Enter new into the operated system and change the existing data structures and regulations;
9. Provide access of different categories of users to information via the uniform portal not only for viewing, but also and for editing data;
10. Create based on the uniform portal the websites of all subordinated organizations, with an opportunity for work with the opened and closed sections of the websites of all employees;
11. Organize a uniform industry (regional) news feed and also any number of information channels and sections on the portal;
12. Manage communication with users through the single system of project management and tasks which is a part of the platform including for the organization of support of implementation of information systems and implementation of any industry (regional) projects, including the automated control of execution of regulations on implementation of information systems on x1 platform and to providing data;
13. Provide legally significant document flow both in organizations, and between organizations and executive authorities in the territory of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation.

Differences from other solutions

X1 platform is completely built on the open source (OS) and does not require runtime royalty fees neither for server nor for client components of third-party producers;
The platform is under construction on a declarative paradigm of the development and deployment of information systems allowing to accelerate and increase quality of development and support of solutions. In need of implementation of the functionality which is not fitting into possibilities of modeling creation of processings in the PHP language which is one of the most popular and well documentary development tools today is possible.
The platform is not means of collecting and the analysis of "report forms" and codes. It provides the regulated conducting primary accounting and collecting of primary indicators with integration and aggregation of data at any levels of management. Report forms turn out only on the basis of the uniform industry (regional) database and can be saved in the same database after signing in electronic form. When forming a statistical reporting a system provides data collection, but not forms of their representation.
A system gives an opportunity of step-by-step, gradual and parallel implementation of modern IT - solutions at which formation of data and internal automation of organizations can gradually be increased, but at the same time in scales of all industry or the region.

Advantages of x1

1 Reduction in cost of ownership due to creation of the solution based on Open Source (all components of a system work at Unix, Linux and Windows and do not require acquisition of any proprietary software);
2 Minimization of cost of support, simplification and decrease in terms of development of own solutions on x1 platform thanks to:
2.1 to application of widespread software products and technologies (Apache, PHP and any DBMS at choice - Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL);
2.2 minimization of programming when developing (completion) of systems (the vertically integrated accounting systems can be created without programming use);
2.3 to the support of mechanisms of integration and the distributed work at the level of the platform which are not requiring special development;
2.4 to completely automated creation of interfaces of all systems which is based on the metadescription not requiring reconfiguration of interfes at each change of data or rules of their processing (processes);
2.5 to support of the mechanism of automatic control of data;
3 Efficiency of the first implementation and lack of need of repeated training when commissioning new subsystems — thanks to the unified ergonomic interface identical in all subsystems (applied modules);
4 Low quality requirements of communication channels:
4.1 At the centralized scheme for work with a system it is enough to have the speed of connection of 33.6 Kbit — due to use of AJAX technology;
4.2 A work possibility at absence the Internet, using autonomous subsystems for work with data.