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Chrome will kill with Windows


16.05.11, 11:04, Msk

The new business initiative of Google company promises changes in the market of operating systems: the linking of network Chrome OS on the Chromebook device promotes formation of new model of calculations. Microsoft Windows can be out of work.

In the majority of spheres of business Google combats Microsoft, but now she is going for bigger – to force out Windows. Both Windows, and Mac, and other operating systems for the Google PC considers inefficient, expensive and corresponding to a manner of calculations of the 20th century.

All data what are on the hard drive of any computer can be damaged and lost forever. And their recovery, in case of breakdown of the winchester or the PC, costs much and takes away a lot of time. It is especially right concerning the corporate world. Gartner estimates management of each desktop of corporation at the amount from $3000 to $5000 a year. Notebooks will be still more expensive.

The high cost of technical support does it unreasonably expensive to many companies trying to provide support hardware and the software in current status. The service company NetApplications considers that Windows XP is still used more than for 50% of computers. It is the operating system of 10-year.

The solution advanced by Google: Chrome OS based on a web the operating system which prepares for release on June 15.

On computers running OS Chrome all user information is stored in "cloud", on the remote servers controlled by Google or other companies. Unlike model of desktop software which is based on application of installed applications, like Microsoft Outlook and Word clients will use Gmail or other mail web program, Google Docs or Office 365, working only online.

It belongs also to departments of IT. Difficult administrative softwares will replace the web pages allowing technology personnel to manage all PCs under Chrome OS. And the Chrome operating system will be automatically updated to the latest version, saving budgets of the enterprise from "joy" of deployment of new software versions.

"We venture really new model of calculations, - one of founders of Google hkhbrin Sergey Mikhaylovich|Sergej Brin]] (Sergey Brin) at a press conference reported. - This integral model of the software eliminates a set of difficulties. The complexity exasperates all and is a lack of old model".

Google considers that transition of the enterprises to Chrome OS can reduce business costs for support of the desktop systems not less than by 50%. However Google conducts long difficult fight with the taken roots corporate mastodon which Windows from Microsoft is. More than 90% of computers in the world work running this OS.

Not each business is ready to simplification of the "iron" which is available for it as many rely on the expensive software which does not exist in the form of web applications yet. And at Google, in the past, the relations with corporate users are quite shaky. The company got only cool support of the sets of business applications on a cloud basis.

Besides, similar attempts happened also to almost zero success earlier. About 20 years ago, the head of Oracle corporation Larry Ellison foretold that "thin client" - the diskless desktop connected to network and managed by the server will become the future of business calculations. Sun Microsystems now belonging to Oracle also tried and could not involve the enterprise in mass implementation of "thin clients".

Recognizing failures of last years, Google says that this time everything will be in a different way. The company conducted survey of 400 enterprises of all sizes and found out: 75% reported that they could pass to Chrome OS.

Google considers that it will be able to change the world of calculations. But obstacles remain: the largest software maker in the world, the known obstinacy of departments of IT and decade of history will be against it.